Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Five key questions that help you define your online brand

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend Bloggy Boot Camp (Phoenix), one of several social media conferences put on around the country by the SITSGirls. One of the presentations was given by Amy Bradley-Hole, a PR and marketing expert who shared some excellent tips on how to create your brand online. She stressed the importance of asking five key questions that help define who you are (or want to be) both for yourself and your audience. I caught Amy at lunch between sessions and asked her to share what those key questions were.

5 Tips for Creating a Winning Brand. BlogFrog Interviews Amy Bradley-Hole! from Holly Hamann on Vimeo.

Amy's five key questions are:

  1. What is your role on the web?
  2. What are your core values and core principles?
  3. What are your personality traits and core characteristics?
  4. What is your story?
  5. What is your promise to your readers, your fans, your twitter followers?
I love how authentic and clear she is in how she communicates her advice. You can find Amy on Twitter at @Amybhole and at I have been working through the five questions for my online brand and will share my answers in a future post!

1 comment:

The Household 6 Diva said...

Oh I like #5 - "Your Promise"
Definitely thought provoking!

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